Theta Healing technique uses theta brain waves of a low frequency that are characteristic of the first phase of sleep. About theta brain waves can be spoken of as a subconscious. They rule part of our mind, which is placed between the conscious and the unconscious. This feature allows it to function below the level of the conscious mind. These waves contain memories and feelings, and they also control our attitudes, beliefs and our behavior. In theta state of mind, we can communicate and work with the Highest Consciousness or Creator (or God), where we can change the reality in any segment of life - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Anyone who accepts the existence of Creative Energy, Higher Intelligence, Creator or God can learn and use this technique regardless of age, sex, religion and so on.Within Theta healing technique, we work on four levels: Basic level, Genetic level, Historical level and Level Of The Soul. The basic level includes everything that has been taught in this life, the beliefs we have accepted since childhood and which became part of us. The genetic level contains the beliefs that we inherited from our ancestors. Deep genetic memories, memories that are from past lives or collective consciousness of mankind are placed in the historical level., The level of the soul includes everything that we are.
Theta healing is a model of energy healing, received and developed by Vianna Stibal. Born with intuitive abilities, she was successfully developed the Orian technique that grew into Theta Healing. In 1995, she was diagnosed with a serious problem in her right leg, a femure cancer. Successfully healing other people, he decided to apply the same method on herself. It worked! The right leg that became shorter than the left, returned to normal. Even in a normal size. The pain disappeared and the leg healed. Today, she is healthy grandmother, writer and successfully teaches people all over the world. For more information on Vianna Stibal visit the official website.
Theta Healing Technique Pdf
If you are going through a difficult period in your life, through important changes (loss or change of a job, love break, divorce, childbirth, loss of a close person, relocation, retirement, etc.) that creates strong emotional reactions which are thrown you out of balance, by applying the Theta technique you can find your peace again, get into the state of internal equilibrium, creating new circumstances for yourself.
In some situations, you are overhelmed with feelings of anger, resentment, bitterness, powerlessness, weakness As much as you try to keep them under control or to get rid of their influence, you still fail. By working with feelings, which is another important part of Theta Healing, we discover the origin of these feelings, solve the situations and the event where your feeling first appeared. Quickly and easily a client learn new feelings throught theta brain waves: what it means to feel loved, respected, cherished, and many other feelings that a person may have never experienced before.
Theta session (treatment) is individual and takes place through a conversation between you and theta practitioner who helps you to observe your deepest beliefs and beliefs, feelings, blockages, patterns of behavior that cause you problems or block you from achieving your goals. Once you are aware of them, the practitioner will help you to release them trippingly, easily and quickly, and replace them with those knowledge and feelings that you need to be complete, satisfied, healthy, successful ...
ThetaHealing (also Theta Healing) is the registered trademark for a method of meditation created by Vianna Stibal in 1995.[1][2] ThetaHealing claims to change a practitioner's brain wave pattern to the theta pattern, allowing them to explore how "emotional energy" affects their health, and develop "natural intuition".[3][4]
ThetaHealing is usually administered in the form of individual sessions in which the practitioner sits directly opposite the person, and initially attends to the person by listening and using probing questions. They may conduct a session long-distance through telephone or over the internet via webcam and voice.[7][8] The ThetaHealing technique is based on the idea that the beliefs in a person's conscious and unconscious mind directly impact their emotional well-being, which may impact their physical health.[9][10][11] The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.[12]
The philosophy of ThetaHealing has been criticized due to its esoteric and faith-based nature as well as an overwhelming lack of evidence of the effectiveness of the methods.[17] The ThetaHealing method has also been criticized as "criminal" and "not supported by any kind of evidence" by Edzard Ernst.[18] The McGill University Office for Science and Society pointed out that ThetaHealing did not increase theta wave activity, but that "It did the exact opposite. Theta activity overall went down".[1]
Theta Healing is a prominent healing method which was created in 1995 by Vianna Stibal during her personal journey of healing from a leg tumor. According to the official Vianna Stibal ThetaHealing website, this method is a technique of meditation and a spiritual philosophy that is not specific to one religion, but recognizes all of them with the aim to become closer with the Creator. This training is meant for the body, mind, and spirit and gives one the ability to get rid of limiting beliefs and live a life full of positive thoughts through prayer and meditation.
Because of the rise in the recognition of this technique, this article will be focused on presenting the most important information about it and help you learn more about how it functions and how it can help you.
She is the founder of the ThetaHealing method and a well-known spiritual teacher and healer who teaches her spiritual philosophy and type of meditation, i.e. ThetaHealing worldwide. Witnessing her own healing two decades ago, she found that our beliefs and emotions influence us on a core, history, genetic, and soul level. Hence, she worked on creating a process that can help us discover how and why we believe, how we create disease and issues in our lives, and how to understand the plan of the creator and design the reality we want to. Until now, Stibal has trained more than 500,000 practitioners throughout the world and has written several books as well.
Without doubt, if you need or want to introduce changes in your life, ThetaHealing may be advantageous for you; you may also get help in ways you never thought of. What is great about this technique is that it gives you the power to make your life the way you want it to be.
Without doubt, this technique is considered to help people resolve their emotional and physical struggles and it teaches one to connect the conscious and unconscious self with the purpose to acquire a better quality of life by aligning their thoughts and desires with their life experience.
Change your life for the better and become an outstanding Theta Healing practitioner.Follow your passion for healing under the guidance of our stellar lecturersVanya Silverten and James Dove.
We desire to provide you with the highest quality of teaching and hold onto our high vibrational standard, hence we decided to offer you the ultimate Theta Healing experience in the form of Ascension Awakening Packages.The Ascension Awakening Package is an excellent option for students who wish to master the advanced techniques of the Theta Healing modality and become certified Theta healers ready to start their healing practice.
Muscle testing is a reliable diagnostic tool that is often used in alternative medicine such as energy healing and Theta Healing. I use it with clients as a diagnostic technique rather than using random guessing.
Muscle testing comes from kinesiology and particularly under the umbrella of the applied kinesiology field. It is most well know from the book Power vs Force by David Hawkins. The applied kinesiology muscle test used within that book is a form of manual muscle testing techniques. This is often used in clinical practice where the practitioner applies pressure to the arm of the patient for muscle tests. This applied kinesiology technique tests for muscle strength and muscle weakness and imbalances around illness, diseases, belief issues, allergies and various health decisions.
What should happen during this muscle testing calibration is that when it is a positive response or agree, your arm muscle should be strong. When you have a negative response or disagree, your arm muscle should show a weak response and be able to be moved. If you test weak for all answers you might be dehydrated. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be hydrated before a Thetahealing session. The Theta Healing process, as well as any energy healing work, can be very dehydrating on the body.
You might have a health issue that you are looking to resolve. Practitioners will be able to use an applied kinesiology muscle testing technique with you to find the root of the issue and be able to muscle test with you to find a solution.
Self-Muscle testing yourself is another option available to you. When I am working with clients I will sometimes get them to muscle test themselves so that they can check that a particular belief or issue has gone. It is a good idea to have experience of a particular therapy or knowledge of techniques before treating yourself. Here are some options for you to try out a self-muscle test and see which techniques you prefer.
Once you have calibrated your muscle testing, you are ready to move on to diagnosis and start asking questions. Most people find this diagnostic technique the easiest as you are working with your own muscles and energy system.
Another way that you can get an answer to your questions is to muscle test on your own wrist. Similar to the technique used by practitioners with clients, you will be putting your less dominant hand over your dominant wrist. You then push down on your wrist while resisting to get your own self-diagnosis. 2ff7e9595c