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Mathcad 15 License Dat: A Guide to Retrieve and Apply Your Existing License File


Hi, I'm a student and am unable to locate the Mathcad Prime license required to dual authorize the Mathcad 15 program. Per PTC instructions this file is "MathcadPrimeLicense.dat" in "C:\ProgramData\PTC\Mathcad Prime\license\directory" and similarly in forum discussions has been listed as "C:\ProgramData\PTC\Mathcad Prime\license\MathcadLicense.dat". Presently, althought I have successfully licensed Mathcad Prime, there is no "*license.dat" file that I can locate on my computer and the only files under the "C:\ProgramData\PTC..." directory are "Windchill sharepoint products" and 'PTC places NamespaceShellExtension". All other files reside directly under the "C:\ProgramData\Mathcad..." directory, but, nowhere can I find the license file.

In Mathcad Prime2 click on the yellow M in the upper left corner, chose Mathcad options and then go on tab license. You should see what kind of license you own and there is a field "file" and you should see the path to your license file there.

Mathcad 15 License Dat

Concerning your homework - Mathcad 15 works 30 days without license in evaluation mode which is not restricted. Rumour has it that you even can have a second 30-day period before final game over, but I never have tried, so it may be a myth.

And you still want to use Mathcad 13-like functionality, you'll have to buy Prime. With that you'll get Mathcad 15 for free (install both using the very same license). Mathcad 15 will(/should) run all your Mathcad 13 files. It's just that the symbolic engine changed from Maple to MuPad; you'll get different symbolic answers and you will have some new symbolic features.

So save the standard licence in the C:Program Files/mathcad/mathcad 15/licences directory (and save a back up copy for use if you re-install on the same machine !! ). When you run mathcad the first time it will probably ask you to browse to the licence, it may even create a file licence.dat from it, but it should just use that file. The key thing to check is that your "host ID" is correct (the hardware number of the physical ethernet port)

The admin guide (hidden under html\usascii\proe\helpSys Top\siteset\ )also gives you a DOS (cmd) window method for getting mathcad to start at the "where's my licence file" stage if you want to change things. If I remember it is simply the regular startup with /licence at the end.

Craig, the emails you received should have included instructions on saving and renaming the license files. If they did not, it is a problem that needs to be investigated and fixed. Can you please forward both emails to me at -? Thank you.

Mathcad 13BA2 Steps to resolve Mathcad 15 misreading a correct license file. 1. Create a temporary folder on the root of the C drive called "MCLicense" 2. Save the attached license file into this folder 3. Start Mathcad and use the License Wizard to point to this file (you can run C:\Program Files (x86)\Mathcad\Mathcad 15\mclicense\mclicense.exe to launch this application) 4. If the error persists, does the path to C:\MCLicense appear or does it still read C:\Program Files (x86)\Mathcad\Mathcad 15\License? If the wrong path is being shown in the error message there is a registry key which contains the path name and it may be necessary to change this to point to C:\MCLicense as follows: 1. Launch REGEDIT and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mat hsoft\Mathcad 14\FlexLM 2. Change the key for LicensePath to C:\MCLicense\LicenseCDrive.dat and close the registry editor. 3. Restart your machine and try launching Mathcad 15 again - this should resolve the problem. Licensing Mathcad Windows 7 15 en FlexLM

No. Your existing licenses will continue to work through the expiration date in your license file. After that date, you will be able to obtain licenses and software for Prime 7 only.

FLEXnet packages all their license management utilities in a singleexecutable called lmutil.exe. The MathWorks Installer includesthis utility in every server installation in the matlabroot\flexlm folder.To view a list of all the capabilities of the lmutil utility,open a Command Prompt window, go to the matlabroot\flexlm folderand type

Make the license manager daemon reread the License File and start anynew vendor daemons.Note: When you use lmreread toreprocess a License File for a user-based license, changes to INCLUDE statementsin the associated FLEXnet options file take affect after a 15 minute delay.

The example uses the -a option to get a verbose listingof available licenses and the -c option to specify thelocation of the License File to use. You must specify the -c optionwith every tool invoked through lmutil.exe. If your installationpathname contains spaces, enclose the pathname in quotes.

The full error message is as follows:-15, 10 System Error: 10061 Winsock Connection Refused on the License Key Administrator. The lmgrd log file shows an error pertaining to different ports being specified in the license.dat files. 2ff7e9595c


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