All Eos Family consoles and ETCnomad USB dongles have a preset limit of addresses that they are able to output to. To determine what your address limit is, go into Live, and press the "About" key. Look for the "System Count" number. This is the amount of addresses your console can output to.
Etc Nomad Dongle Crack Softwarel
The other option is to purchase an upgrade code from your ETC dealer that will unlock additional outputs on your console or ETCnomad dongle. This code can be entered in the Settings of the console, and instantly unlocks the additional addresses for you to output to.
The ETCnomad dongles unlock sACN and Art-Net output from the Hog 4 PC, as well as allowing the Gadget II to be used to distribute DMX via USB.. As long as your Gateways speak sACN, you should be fine.
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